Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Lustful fantasy

Sexuality is one the greatest gift God gave to the human couple. It is the intimate expression of love and connection between a man and a woman that love each other. It gives immense pleasure to a long lasting relationship called marriage.
The big pornography enterprise is busy creating tons of sexual fantasies to produce dependent and easy to manipulate clients. Impossible fantasies that people want to make it happen desperately. Pornography is a big lie. It produces multitudes of unsatisfied people, getting bored, wanting more and not getting enough, becoming violent, losing affection, love and respect in their own sexual relationships. Sex becomes just a physical and disconnected pleasure. Sex becomes dehumanized.

They’ll protect you from wanton women,
   from the seductive talk of some temptress.
Don’t lustfully fantasize on her beauty,
   nor be taken in by her bedroom eyes.
You can buy an hour with a whore for a loaf of bread,
   but a wanton woman may well eat you alive.
Can you build a fire in your lap
   and not burn your pants?
Can you walk barefoot on hot coals
   and not get blisters?
It’s the same when you have sex with your neighbor’s wife:
   Touch her and you’ll pay for it. No excuses.
Hunger is no excuse
   for a thief to steal;
When he’s caught he has to pay it back,
   even if he has to put his whole house in hock.
Adultery is a brainless act,
   soul-destroying, self-destructive;
Expect a bloody nose, a black eye,
   and a reputation ruined for good.
For jealousy detonates rage in a cheated husband;
   wild for revenge, he won’t make allowances.
Nothing you say or pay will make it all right;
   neither bribes nor reason will satisfy him.
(Prov.6:24-35 MSG)

Prayer: Thanks for the gift of sexuality. Help me to respect its beauty, purity and sanctity. Help me not to be seduced by cheap pleasure. Help me to value and build my own marriage and to contribute in a way so that people will be free from pornography slavery and to enjoy properly this precious gift of sexuality in their own marriage as You created it to be.

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