Thursday, June 18, 2015

Perverse minds

Many people think it is necessary to build a wall to isolate themselves from others. They are willing to build a wall with lies and dishonesty to protect their “secret life”. Don’t do that. If you start accommodating your words to make you look better, you will end up building a total fantasy. Be honest, be sincere, even if it costs you. Being honest is liberating and contribute to your mental health. Holding and defending a fantasy is a stressful heavy lifting. It ends up perverting your mind. The more you add to your lies the more difficult it is to go back to a free, healthy, and honest life.

Riffraff and rascals
   talk out of both sides of their mouths.
They wink at each other, they shuffle their feet,
   they cross their fingers behind their backs.
Their perverse minds are always cooking up something nasty,
   always stirring up trouble.
Catastrophe is just around the corner for them,
   a total smashup, their lives ruined beyond repair.
(Prov.6:12-15 MSG)

Prayer: I want to be honest and live in integrity. Guard me from dishonesty. Let me be free and sincere. Let me walk in life without anything to hide. Help me not to build a reputation that is not me. When You bless me, help me to acknowledge You and honor You (and not to think that it is my accomplishment).
I want to be able to recognize my flaws and limitations as it should be.

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