Saturday, June 27, 2015


Seduction is powerful but you will be seduced only if you let seduction overcome you. There are many small decisions that are your responsibility specially at the beginning of the seduction process where you can still stop it. After you give in to temptation seduction takes over progressively and you become blind to reality. You are guided as a goat to slaughter. You may recover your judgment only after, just to feel guilty and stupid. You have to make a decision NOW!: What are you going to do when temptation comes? You have to have a decision before seduction comes. If it is a sexual temptation, run away! Quickly! Don’t linger while temptation becomes stronger.

Soon she has him eating out of her hand,
   bewitched by her honeyed speech.
Before you know it, he’s trotting behind her,
   like a calf led to the butcher shop,
Like a stag lured into ambush
   and then shot with an arrow,
Like a bird flying into a net
   not knowing that its flying life is over.
So, friends, listen to me,
   take these words of mine most seriously.
Don’t fool around with a woman like that;
   don’t even stroll through her neighborhood.
Countless victims come under her spell;
   she’s the death of many a poor man.
She runs a halfway house to hell,
   fits you out with a shroud and a coffin.
(Prov.7:21-27 MSG)

Prayer: Thank You God for your power and presence in my life. Help me to be aware of danger and not to fall into temptation. Protect me from evil. I decide not to give in to temptation. I decide to run away from it
. Help me to stay strong and committed to You. I will not trust my own strength. I trust in You alone, Jesus, my Lord.

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