Friday, May 15, 2015

With you in every season

God helps you survive and succeed. Winter seems aggressive and hostile but God give you tools to deal with it. He changes the winter for spring time. He provides for your enjoyment. Nature has to obey Him. The same way He takes you through different seasons in life and instruct you for every step you have to take. He will always be with you. This is a privilege of people who love and follow God.

Jerusalem, worship God!
   Zion, praise your God!
He made your city secure,
   he blessed your children among you.
He keeps the peace at your borders,
   he puts the best bread on your tables.
He launches his promises earthward—
   how swift and sure they come!
He spreads snow like a white fleece,
   he scatters frost like ashes,
He broadcasts hail like birdseed—
   who can survive his winter?
Then he gives the command and it all melts;
   he breathes on winter—suddenly it’s spring!
He speaks the same way to Jacob,
   speaks words that work to Israel.
He never did this to the other nations;
   they never heard such commands.
(Psalm 147:12-20 MSG)

Prayer: Thank You God for your peace, your protection, your sovereignty over nature and the seasons. You help me to endure winter and to enjoy spring time. The same way, help me to survive challenging times in my life and to enjoy the different seasons of life as you put it on my path. Help me to deal with each season as it comes. I need Your strength and Your wisdom to enjoy it and to make the best of it.

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